
If Moses Had Not Pleaded for Stiff-Necked Israel

How often have we declared, “God is good?” Even though we know He is good, we do not fully comprehend the depth of that truth. As our Creator, He knew that we would fall short of His will and glory; therefore, He gave us a conscience. Our conscience gives us the inner ability to tell right from wrong and makes us aware that we are sinners in need of His saving grace. Consider the children of Israel; they knew that God was good. Still, they willfully committed idolatry by making and worshipping the golden calf and committing other ungodly acts, breaking God’s covenant (Exodus 32). Is not that just like us, quick to forget all God has done for us? Israel had been delivered out of bondage and miraculously brought through the Red Sea on dry land. Yet in the absence of Moses, they reverted to their old ways. Jesus gave His life on the cross that we might be delivered from the grip of Satan – from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive. Like Israel, children of God have become impatient while waiting for Jesus’ return and are guilty of backsliding to their old ways.

In Exodus 32 God was very angry with Israel for rejecting Him and would have destroyed them if Moses had not pleaded for Him to have mercy on them. He reminded God that these are “Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand” (v.11). In verse 12 Moses pleaded with God to turn from His fierce anger and not be so harsh with His people. He pleaded for God to not allow the Egyptians to speak evil of Him, saying that He brought these people out of Egypt to destroy them. Finally, (v.13) Moses called God to remember the promises He had made to their forefathers – multiply their descendants as the stars of heaven and give them Canaan as an eternal inheritance. So, the Lord relented from destroying His people (v.14).

Let Moses’ intercession with God be an example for us. Use God’s words. Give Him praise! 

2 replies on “If Moses Had Not Pleaded for Stiff-Necked Israel”

Dear God, I am grateful for divine intercession and humbled by the opportunity to praise You! HolySpirit help me to ensure my words & deeds align to honor God.

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