
If Moses Had Not Pleaded for Stiff-Necked Israel (Part 2)

Moses returned from the mountain after interceding for Israel, convincing God to stay Israel’s destruction. He found that his assistant, his brother Aaron, had given in to the peoples’ rebellion against the true and living God. He heard the noise of the people as they celebrated – singing and dancing, worshipping their manmade god – the golden calf. Children of God, we must remain steadfast in trusting Him and patiently wait on Him. The song writer says, “You can’t hurry God…” Because of the peoples’ evil, out of anger Moses broke the tables, the writing of God. Now he just convinced God to change His mind and not deal angrily with Israel. This action shows how quickly we forget to “be slow to anger.” Proverbs 14:17a says: “A quick-tempered man acts foolishly.”

companion, and neighbor (vv.26-27). The tribe of Levi accepted Moses’ command; that day they killed more than three thousand men of the people (v.28). Then Moses told them to consecrate themselves to the Lord “that He may bestow on you a blessing this day, for every man has opposed his son and his brother” (v.29).

Rebellion is against God, and justice demands us to repent, turning from our evil ways. Sometime the consequence of idolatry and immorality can be quick and severe as with the Israelites. Repent today and receive the blessing that God may bestow on you. Praise the Lord and give Him glory!

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