
The Battle Doesn’t Belong to You; It’s the Lord’s

2 Chronicles 20:1-13

In verses 1-4 Judah was bullied by the invasion of invasion  neighboring nations – Moab, Ammon, and Edom. When King Jehoshaphat got the message that a great army was coming to battle against him, his first response was that of fear. Yet, in spite of Jehoshaphat’s fear he had faith to trust God. He believed that God had the power to save him and his people from their enemies. Therefore, he set his face to diligently seek the presence of the Lord and proclaimed a fast for all of Judah. They came from all the cities of Judah to ask help from the Lord.

In face of life-threatening danger, Jehoshaphat stood in the house of the Lord before that huge congregation and prayed to God (vv.5-13). Jehoshaphat ended his prayer in v.12, declaring that they were totally dependent on God for their deliverance. He prayed: “O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.”

King Jehoshaphat wanted God to judge their neighboring enemies for invading Judah. He wanted God to stand up for him and give the bullies what they deserved. He confessed that they were weak and powerless against their enemies. He prayed that they didn’t know what to do. And Jehoshaphat continued praying that their eyes were on Him. Jehoshaphat was saying that Judah will keep their spiritual eyes set on the Lord. They will not allow fear of the enemy to distract them from believing and obeying the Lord. Jehoshaphat knew that the battle was the Lord’s.

Lift your voice and give God glory!

2 replies on “The Battle Doesn’t Belong to You; It’s the Lord’s”

We must give our battles to GOD if we want the “desired” end result. Trust GOD’S process, and wait on HIM. I Did!!! To GOD Be The Glory …

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