1 Peter 2:4-5, GNT
Children of God are spiritually awakened and blessed to be born again. As a new creature with a new nature in Christ, we have tasted the sincere milk of God’s word and that the Lord is kind. As we daily long for His word, we grow spiritually. We, therefore, enjoy a life free of “malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking” (2:1).
In verse 4 Peter informs these believers of the powerful position they’re in in Christ: “Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by people as worthless but chosen by God as valuable.” Accept Christ, the precious, living Stone that man rejected and crucified, yet chosen by God. Many saw Him as worthless, but God saw Him as valuable. What about you? Do you see the value in accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord, or are you among the ungrateful that sees Him as worthless? He died on the cross, making it possible for God to redeem us through the power of the Holy Spirit. He promises that all who believe in Him may live forever (John 3:15). How much more valuable must one be for acceptance?
Peter goes on in verse 5 to say that we are also living stones. God built us up as “the temple of the living God” (2 Corinthians 6:16) of holy priests. How do we please God? Our reasonable duty is to set ourselves apart as a living sacrifice. We offer sacrifices that are spiritual and acceptable to Him through Jesus Christ. Don’t reject the chosen Stone of eternal life.