
A Blind Man’s Request Granted – from Darkness to Light

Mark 10:46-52

Jesus, followed by a great crowd, was headed steadfastly to Jerusalem for that final Passover. He and his 12 disciples came to Jericho. As they were leaving, blind Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside asking for alms, which was not unusual at this time (v.46). When he heard that the passer-by was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, saying “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me” (v.47). Maybe he heard those in the crowd talking about this miracle-working Jesus who had previously healed a man who had been born blind or had heard about the many other miracles he had done. Remember, Bartimaeus was blind not deaf.

Bartimaeus was sharply reprimanded by many, telling him to be quiet.  Isn’t that just like the devil to try to block children of God from crying out to God?  Bartimaeus believed that Jesus had the power to make him see, so he cried out even louder, “Thou son of David, have mercy on me” (v.48). Even though the nation of Israel was blind to the Messiah’s presence, here was a blind Jew, who had true spiritual sight. Like Jesus’ disciples, many of us today can see physically but are spiritually blind.

Bartimaeus got Jesus’ attention. Jesus stopped and commanded his disciples to call him. They did, saying to him, “Be of good comfort, rise; he is calling you” (v.49). He threw aside his outer garment, got up, and came to Jesus. Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted him to do for him. His request was specific: “Lord, that I might receive my sight” (v.51b). And Jesus said unto him, “Go thy way; thy faith has made you whole. Immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way” (v.52). Bartimaeus was desperate to see. One situation in our life might be more desperate than another. So, call out to God in desperation like Bartimaeus; you will get God’s attention and by faith receive what you want and need. Give God glory.

6 replies on “A Blind Man’s Request Granted – from Darkness to Light”

Truly the Spirit of God does work from heart to heart. At GreaterWorks, we just completed a message series entitled Faith In Action 2 (Man Be Made Whole). The last message in that series, a week ago, was Faith In Action 2 (Man With Great Sight) wherein the same passage of scripture was used. We praise God for giving to us the same applicational revelation He gave to you!

Yes, the Spirit of God works from heart to heart. Thank God for revealing and confirming His word for us.

love to hear from you