
Christian Slaves Encouraged to Honor Their Masters

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NKJV

Paul began verse one with encouragement to bondservants, Christian slaves, to count their own masters worthy of all honor and respect so that the name of God and His doctrine will not be blasphemed or slandered. Because they were in a relationship with Christ, Christian slaveswere expected to be obedient to their earthly masters and treat them in a manner that pleased God. Yes, they were slaves, but they were Christian slaves; therefore, their character was to exemplify that they were followers of Christ. Christians are to always behave so they can bring glory to God and “give no occasion to the adversary to speak shamefully” (1 Tim. 5:14b) against them and God and His teachings.

In verse one the apostle instructed Christian slaves to be an example of godliness, letting their living reflect their behavior as followers of Christ. God is just in all His doings; He does not show respect of persons based on who they are or from where they come. In Scripture Jesus demands believers to love one another as He has loved them so everyone will know that you are His disciples. That’s the message Paul had for the Christian slaves toward their masters – believing or unbelieving.  

He continued in verse two, declaring that Christian slaves who have believing masters are not to despise them because they are brothers in Christ and should treat each other with love and kindness. Rather, they are to serve them diligently because those who are benefited are believers and beloved. Paul encouraged Timothy to teach and exhort these things (v.2).

Lift up your voice and shout, “Glory!”

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