
Josiah Restores True Worship through Renewal of the Covenant

2 Kings 23:1-3, NKJV

Here the Scripture begins with King Josiah sending a group of his servants to gather all the elders, the representatives of the nation, of Judah and Jerusalem to him (v.1). In v.2 the king went up to the house of the Lord with all the men of Judah, and with him all the inhabitants of Jerusalem—the priests and the prophets and all the people, both small and great. There he read publicly in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant which Hilkiah the high priest (22:8) had found in the house of the Lord. Because the people had been disobedient to the Word of the Lord, Josiah pressed for the renewal of the covenant between God and his people even though he could not stop the calamity God said would come to Jerusalem. 

Then according to v.3, the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, promising to follow the Lord and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes, with all his heart and all his soul. He promised to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people took a stand for the covenant. When Josiah took the lead, he restored true worship through renewal of the covenant. He vowed to walk after the ways of the Lord, and his people entered the covenant too.

Lift up your voice and shout, “Glory!”


The Faith a Gentile Woman Shows for Her Daughter

Matthew 15:21-23, NKJV

When last have you had a need that was so pressing that it caused you to cry out in desperation to the Lord? In this passage an unnamed woman from Canaan of the coasts of Tyre and Sidon met Jesus as He entered there. She cried out in desperation to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed” (vv.21-22). She was a Gentile and an unselfish mother of faith, who was bold enough to pray to Jesus, making intercession for her daughter.

She first asked the Lord to “Have mercy on me.” She had no relationship with Jesus, but she had faith in the God of Israel. She believed Jesus could deliver her child from the misery of being demon-possessed; this would also take away the suffering she bore with her child. She called Jesus “Son of David.” Apparently, she had heard that He was the Messiah and had the power to heal. 

In v.23 Jesus seemed to ignore her, and His disciples showed no compassion to her. Jesus did not say a word in response to her request, and His disciples came, urging Him to send her away because she cried out after them. Sometimes, we, as children of God, today are just like the disciples were then. We show no compassion on others, especially those we determine don’t have the right to call on the Lord. But remember, God always has a purpose.

Give God glory! Blessings to mothers everywhere. 


Never Stagger in Believing God who Has Resurrection Power 

Romans 4:13-21

In Genesis 15:4-6 God’s word came to Abram, confirming His promise with him that He will make him a great nation. God told Abram his seed will come from his own body and be as the stars in the sky. Abram believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness.

Paul declared that the promise Abraham received from God that he would be the heir of the world was not to him or his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith (4:13). The apostle used Abraham to illustrate how his faith in God made him righteous. Abraham, who against hope, believed in hope when God told him, “I have made you a father of many nations.” Abraham believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which are not as though they were (v.17). Remember that by the power of God’s spoken word, the world came into existence. Being that Abraham was about 100 years old, his faith did not weaken; he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb (v.19).

Yet, Abraham never staggered in unbelief concerning God’s promise; he believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing. He grew strong in faith, giving glory to God (v.20). He was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised (v.21). Like Abraham, even when the going gets tough, we must be steadfast in faith. 

Today, will you believe God who has power to create from nothing and bring the dead back to life? Give God glory!


All People Will See the Salvation of God (Part 3)

Luke 3:8-14

In v.8 John had a lot to say to the Pharisees and Sadducees that came to be baptized. He instructed them that repentance was not just words of confession. It commanded that they live changed lives, proving they have repented of their sins and turned to God. Being Abraham’s descendants was no guarantee of their salvation. God is able to replace the unrepentant, regardless of their heritage, with those who are obedient. 

John prophesied that even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire (v.9). John warned them of God’s impending judgment to cut down those who are fruitless and unrepentant. 

The crowds asked, “What should we do (v.10)?”John replied, “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry” (v.11). Even corrupt tax collectors came to be baptized and asked, “Teacher, what should we do (v.12)?” He replied, “Collect no more taxes than the government requires (v.13).”

“What should we do?” asked some soldiers. John replied, “Don’t extort money or make false accusations. And be content with your pay” (v.14).

Repent of your wicked ways for the forgiveness of your sins. Today, turn to God’s righteous ways and be spiritually fruitful. For every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire, God’s ultimate judgment.

Shout, “Glory!”


All People Will See God’s Salvation (Part 2)

Luke 3:7-8, NLT

When the crowds, many being Pharisees and Sadducees, came to John to be baptized, he called them a brood of snakes, wanting to know who warned them to flee the coming wrath – God’s holy anger against sin (Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary) (v.7). These religious leaders opposed the prophet and failed to accept God’s call for spiritual change. Repent and turn from your evil ways to the righteousness of God for the forgiveness of your sins. Then be baptized as an outward show of your inward change. 

John probably saw them as a brood of snakes because they behaved like Satan’s unbelieving offspring who doubted God’s word. They mirrored the craftiness of Satan in Gen. 3 when he disguised himself as a serpent, causing the woman to doubt and disobey God’s word. He commanded them in v.8 to prove by the way they lived that they have repented of their sins and turned to God. King James Version commanded: “Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance…” The point is that saying you have repented is not enough; action must follow your confession. “Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones.” Therefore, just being God’s chosen people was not enough to save them. He declared that all people would see the salvation of God (v.6), who is Jesus Christ. He is coming, and His eternal wrath will fall on the ungodly – Jew and Gentile. 

Today, will you choose to honor God and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance? Raise your voice and shout, “Yes!”