Psalm 34:8
Recall that David was a fugitive on the run for his life, fearing that King Saul would kill him out of jealousy. He even pretended to be crazy so that Abimelech would not harm him but send him away. Glory be to God for deliverance! In Psalm 34:8a (KJV) David says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good…” He had prayed for deliverance from the hands of his enemies, and the Lord heard his prayer. The experience was so powerful that he praised God and testified of his deliverance in response for what the Lord had done for him. When we are in a relationship with God, praising Him and testifying of His goodness are what we do. Yes, David’s experience with God and His goodness was personal, and he wanted others to experience the graciousness of this prayer-answering God. According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, “taste” is used metaphorically here, to mean “try” or “experience” just as in 1 Peter 2:3, and “see” means to “understand. ” In other words, experience God for yourself and find out how good, kind, and merciful He is.
The psalmist continued in the second part of verse 8 – “blessed is the man that trusts in him (the Lord).” What did he mean? He meant that when we taste and see that the Lord is good, we will abide in Him. Abiding in the Lord makes us fruitful and “blessed.” Without him we are nothing. When the sun is shining, we need Him. When the clouds are dark, we need Him; if we trust in Him, we have the blessed assurance that we will always see the sun peeping through the clouds. No matter what the circumstances, because we trust in the Lord, or take refuge in Him, we are blessed. It means that we are fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God. Anyone who has not had a personal experience with our heavenly Father, I dare you to try Him. You will never be disappointed or ashamed. There’s nothing shameful in the Lord; there’s only goodness. Don’t take my word; taste and see for yourself the graciousness of our Lord.