
Knowing Our Identification in Christ Is Important (Part 2)

2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV

Those of us who God has spared to see 2022 are indebted to Him more than ever to know the importance of whom we are in the Christ Jesus. We acknowledge that if justice had plumbed the line, we would’ve been gone home as many of our loved ones are. However, in 2022 we have a chance to prove our identification in Christ. Follow Paul’s urging and “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Ephesians 4:1, ESV). We don’t have to submit acceptable forms as proof of identification like we do online or in person at the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) to purchase our ID. Over 2000 years ago Jesus purchased our Real Identification on “The Old Rugged Cross” at Calvary by giving his life that we might have everlasting life. We must surrender ourselves totally to our gracious Father – heart, mind, and soul – through faith in Christ Jesus, accepting him as our personal Savior and Lord.

Apostle Paul says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV). Oh, how sweet it is to know that our identity is in Christ! Yes, we are renewed by the Holy Spirit. Romans 6:10-11 declares “10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise you also, consider yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” In Christ we are a new creation. God’s plan of salvation is complete in Jesus. Let’s accept it as truth and let his resurrection life be a reality in ours; that’s our identification. Our old corrupt nature of darkness has passed away. A spiritual awakening has taken place; a new life has come.

So let our resolve in 2022 be continuous growth in Christ. Let us not be complacent. Satan, our adversary, is always lurking, waiting to pounce like a “roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Knowing our identification in Christ is important to our renewed union with him.


Knowing Our Identification in Christ Is Important

Galatians 2:20, NKJV

We live in a world that is plagued with identity theft. It’s when someone steals our personal information to commit fraud. The thief boldly uses someone else’s information to apply for services and goods just as the rightful owner would. This damages the owner’s credit worthiness and may take years and money to repair one’s credit and name. God’s creation has been plagued with identity theft since the Garden of Eden. We may or may not ever know who the thief of our personal information is, but we had better know that Satan is our adversary, and he stole our spiritual identity in the garden. His tactics from the beginning have been to lie and deceive, causing man to fall out of relationship with God. Has his tactics changed? No, his tactics haven’t changed because his character hasn’t changed. Why should he when he has “a wiser but weaker” population to which he can still use lies and deception “to steal, kill and destroy?”

Far too many of us as Christians don’t know who we are. Apostle Paul says “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20 ). It’s important that children of God know our identity. We are new creatures in Christ; we have been crucified with Him and belong to Him. The old sinful nature has been put to death; it is Christ who lives in us. Through Him, we have been blessed with “a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10b, NLT). We no longer live in the flesh. The life that we live in this earthly body is by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and willingly died for us.

We can’t live and please God by external powers of this world. “The just will live by faith” (Galatians 3:11b). Yes, knowing our identification in Christ is important. The acceptance of Jesus is now and will always be our only protection against the Devil’s theft of our identity.


Have You Accepted God’s Glorious Gift of Salvation?

December 25th is Christmas! All around the world someone somewhere will celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Isaiah prophesied that the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). Immanuel literally means God with us. This prophecy came to pass in several New Testament passages of Scripture. Two of them are Luke 1:34-35 and John 1:14. “34Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man? 35And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” John said, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). God with us was promised, and it was fulfilled about seven centuries later at the birth of Jesus. God has done what He promised; it is now up to us to accept it.

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God’s great and dearly prized love for His fallen creatures was the reason for His plan of salvation. “His only begotten Son” was the Savior He promised to send to save us from our sins. God Almighty is merciful, and all are invite to freely accept or reject His Son. All who believe, trust in, and rely on His Son Jesus Christ are promised to never perish but have everlasting life.

Have you made the personal decision to freely accept by faith God’s glorious gift of salvation? Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, and it may be yours also. Consider how awesome it would be for Christmas to become your spiritual birthday! Then you will understand its true meaning. He is knocking on the door of your heart right now. Will you welcome Him in and sup with Him?


A New Branch of Jesse’s Offspring as Messiah

Isaiah 11:1-2, NKJV

In chapter 6:9-13 God sent Isaiah to proclaim His divine message of judgment against Judah. They were persistently rebellious and hard hearted. God told Isaiah to tell them that they will hear but won’t listen. They refused to repent; therefore, God’s patience ran out. He used the Assyrians to invade Judah and the Babylonians to carry many into captivity to bring judgment against them (the Southern Kingdom). Still God was merciful and saved a small faithful remnant of Judah. God’s plan never fails. He made a royal covenant with David, the son of Jesse, and it would be fulfilled. In God’s appointed time the Messiah would arise from David’s house. Not only is God merciful, but He is just. After using the Assyrians as His instrument to punish His ungrateful people, He would punish the Assyrians and Babylonians. “33 Behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will lop off the bough with terror; those of high stature will be hewn down, and the haughty will be humbled. 34 He will cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon will fall by the Mighty One” (Isaiah 10:33-34, NKJV). Because of Assyria’s haughty attitude and cruel treatment of Judah, God would bring them down like a great cedar tree.

Isaiah 11:1 begins with the prophet declaring that a Rod, or Shoot, will come forth from the stem, or stock, of Jesse, and a Branch will grow out of his roots and be fruitful. That small faithful remnant of followers is symbolic of new life springing forth from “a massive terebinth tree or an oak whose stump remains when it is chopped down. The holy seed [the elect remnant] is its stump [the substance of Israel]” (Isaiah 6:13b, AMP). Isaiah continued: “The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (v.2).

The Messiah will bear fruit and the Spirit will empower him. Matthew Henry’s Commentary says that being empowered by the Holy Spirit he will know how to administer the affair of his spiritual kingdom and to the welfare of men. We too must be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the Lord’s work.


The Imperfection of the Old Covenant Couldn’t Redeem Mankind

Hebrews 7:22-28

The law or old covenant (testament) was never intended to redeem mankind. It was to awaken man’s conscious to sin and “bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” After faith came, we were liberated from the law (Galatians 3:24-25).  How blessed we are to be living under the new covenant of which Jesus has been appointed by God as the superior priest! This covenant is better than the old because “Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better covenant that will never be replaced or annulled” (v.22, AMP).  Unlike all the many priests before Jesus, he will never die, and his priesthood will never change. It is promised that as our everlasting high priest and intercessor he is able to completely save all those who come to God through Him.  Only Jesus is fit for such a High Priest for us. He is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and is exalted higher than the heavens (vv. 23-26).

Jesus does not need daily to offer up sacrifices as those priests before him. He did it once for all when He willingly offered up Himself as a sacrifice. Those priests offered animal sacrifices, first for their own sins, and then for the people’s. On the other hand, Jesus was sinless; therefore, he only is God’s perfect one-time sacrifice for the people’s sins (v.27). So through Christ Jesus we are commanded to offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name (13:15). To offer the sacrifice of praise of our lips is pleasing to God. Under the law, men appointed as high priests are weak, sinful, and dying. However, the word of the word of oath came after the law, and permanently appointed the Son high priest (v.28).

The imperfection of the old covenant couldn’t redeem mankind so Jesus had to die. He was the perfect sacrifice and willingly paid the ultimate price of death for our redemption. If you have not already, will you accept God’s free gift of salvation today? How perfect it is!