Our heavenly Father has called His children to live in holiness – the state of being set apart or consecrated for service to Him. He is all-knowing and merciful and has never commanded us to do anything we are not able to do. Apostle Peter exhorted these dispersed believers to prepare for their journey of faith: “gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace (divine, unmerited favor) that is to be brought to you at the second coming of Jesus Christ” (v.13).
Peter went on to remind them that they are children of God (v.14); they have been born again of incorruptible seed by the word of God, which lives and abides forever (v. 23). Therefore, their conduct should be as obedient children, imitators of God the Father, walking in love as Christ Jesus has loved us and given His life for us. Believers are not to conform to their former lusts – their old evil ways – as when they were ignorant (v.14). Yes, before we accepted Christ, we were ignorant and rejected Him. Now that we are born again we should know better. We must refuse to return to our old way of living, perishing because of a lack of knowledge.
Since He [God the Father] who called them is holy, they are to align with Him in all their manner of living (v.15), because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy” (v.16). What a gracious Father! He wants His children to be clothed with the beauty of His character. We are His children, and His Holy Spirit lives in us; therefore, there is no reason we cannot be like our Father. Is it not reasonable for God to expect His children to be holy? He commands: “Be holy, for I am holy.” Clap your hands and give God glory.