
Abide in Jesus’ Word; Know the Truth and Freedom

John 8:30-32

During the civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s, a popular hymn was “Oh, Freedom.” Its refrain is: “And before I’d be a slave I’ll be buried in my grave and go home to my Lord and be free.” Even though the United States of America was born July 4, 1776, the freedom movement has been ongoing. Today Americans boast of living in a free society. We do, but in every free society there are necessary limitations to hopefully ensure that we can all enjoy our personal lives. What is freedom? Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary defines it as the absence of slavery; the ability to do and go as one desires. 

Is it possible to have true freedom? Probably not because humanity is so diverse and unique. In today’s verses Jesus was talking to those Jews that believed Him. He promised them that if they abide in his word, they would truly be his disciples (v.31). By abiding in His word, they would know the truth, and the truth would make them free (v.32). Jesus declared: “…I am the truth” (John 14:6). Therefore, if we want true freedom, we must obey Jesus’ command to abide (stay; continue) in Him. Today will you choose to abide in Jesus’ word? His promise is that you will know the truth, and the truth will result in your freedom. Give God a hand clap and shout, “Glory!”


If Moses Had Not Interceded for Stiff-Necked Israel (Part C)

Exodus 32:30-33:5

Today’s passage starts with Moses going again to the Lord on Israel’s behalf. He acknowledged their idolatry and asked the Lord for their forgiveness. He was even willing to sacrifice himself for the sins of the people by asking God to “blot me out of thy book which thou hast written” (32:30-32). However, the Lord’s message to Moses was in the form of a promise that He, the Lord, would blot out of His book whoever sinned against Him (32:33). Moses was God’s chosen instrument, commissioned to bring Israel out of bondage from Egypt. As their leader, he showed the love and compassion he had for this people. Even though they were disobedient and quick to forget all God had for them, Moses was willing to intercede for them.

God was merciful to Israel as He is to us. He commanded Moses to lead them on to the land of promise – Canaan – flowing with milk and honey. God told Moses that His angel would go before him, and He would punish Israel for their sins at His appointed time (32:34). The Lord brought a plague on Israel for making the golden calf that Aaron had made (32:35). 

Then the Lord told Moses to take the people and depart. He announced that He would not go up in their midst because they were a stiff-necked people, and He might destroy them on the way. This people mourned when they heard this sad news, and no one put on his ornaments. It is when we are convicted that we change. The Lord let the children of Israel know that because of their stiff-necked attitude, He could come up in their midst in one moment and consume them. (33:1-5). Give all-powerful God praise. 


If Moses Had Not Pleaded for Stiff-Necked Israel (Part 2)

Moses returned from the mountain after interceding for Israel, convincing God to stay Israel’s destruction. He found that his assistant, his brother Aaron, had given in to the peoples’ rebellion against the true and living God. He heard the noise of the people as they celebrated – singing and dancing, worshipping their manmade god – the golden calf. Children of God, we must remain steadfast in trusting Him and patiently wait on Him. The song writer says, “You can’t hurry God…” Because of the peoples’ evil, out of anger Moses broke the tables, the writing of God. Now he just convinced God to change His mind and not deal angrily with Israel. This action shows how quickly we forget to “be slow to anger.” Proverbs 14:17a says: “A quick-tempered man acts foolishly.”

companion, and neighbor (vv.26-27). The tribe of Levi accepted Moses’ command; that day they killed more than three thousand men of the people (v.28). Then Moses told them to consecrate themselves to the Lord “that He may bestow on you a blessing this day, for every man has opposed his son and his brother” (v.29).

Rebellion is against God, and justice demands us to repent, turning from our evil ways. Sometime the consequence of idolatry and immorality can be quick and severe as with the Israelites. Repent today and receive the blessing that God may bestow on you. Praise the Lord and give Him glory!


If Moses Had Not Pleaded for Stiff-Necked Israel

How often have we declared, “God is good?” Even though we know He is good, we do not fully comprehend the depth of that truth. As our Creator, He knew that we would fall short of His will and glory; therefore, He gave us a conscience. Our conscience gives us the inner ability to tell right from wrong and makes us aware that we are sinners in need of His saving grace. Consider the children of Israel; they knew that God was good. Still, they willfully committed idolatry by making and worshipping the golden calf and committing other ungodly acts, breaking God’s covenant (Exodus 32). Is not that just like us, quick to forget all God has done for us? Israel had been delivered out of bondage and miraculously brought through the Red Sea on dry land. Yet in the absence of Moses, they reverted to their old ways. Jesus gave His life on the cross that we might be delivered from the grip of Satan – from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive. Like Israel, children of God have become impatient while waiting for Jesus’ return and are guilty of backsliding to their old ways.

In Exodus 32 God was very angry with Israel for rejecting Him and would have destroyed them if Moses had not pleaded for Him to have mercy on them. He reminded God that these are “Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand” (v.11). In verse 12 Moses pleaded with God to turn from His fierce anger and not be so harsh with His people. He pleaded for God to not allow the Egyptians to speak evil of Him, saying that He brought these people out of Egypt to destroy them. Finally, (v.13) Moses called God to remember the promises He had made to their forefathers – multiply their descendants as the stars of heaven and give them Canaan as an eternal inheritance. So, the Lord relented from destroying His people (v.14).

Let Moses’ intercession with God be an example for us. Use God’s words. Give Him praise! 


The Necessity of Jesus’ Return to the Father

John 16:7-11

During Jesus’ discourse on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane, He told His disciples many things, including the promise of the Comforter. In the previous verses of this chapter (vv. 1-6), He told them that they would be persecuted and why and that He was now going His way to the One that sent Him. 

He told them, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth.” He promised them it was to their advantage for Him to go away. If He did not go away, the Helper would not come to them; if He went away, He would send them the Helper (v.7). Is it not a powerful truth that the Son of God – God in the flesh – was with them, yet dying on the cross was to their advantage? Jesus went on to say that when the Helper – the Holy Spirit – comes, He will convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (v.8). That is, the Holy Spirit’s work in the world will be three-fold. He will convict, or expose, sinners because they do not believe in Him (v.9).

He told them, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth.” He promised them it was to their advantage for Him to go away. If He did not go away, the Helper would not come to them; if He went away, He would send them the Helper (v.7). Is it not a powerful truth that the Son of God – God in the flesh – was with them, yet dying on the cross was to their advantage? Jesus went on to say that when the Helper – the Holy Spirit – comes, He will convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (v.8). That is, the Holy Spirit’s work in the world will be three-fold. He will convict, or expose, sinners because they do not believe in Him (v.9). He will also convict them of righteousness because He will go to His Father, and they will see Him no more (v.10). Man’s righteousness cannot save him. It is only through faith in Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross. Thirdly, Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit will convict them of judgment because the ruler of this world is judged. The ruler of this world is Satan. All who choose to reject Christ will not escape eternal damnation with Satan (John 3:36; Acts 17:31, NKJV).

Today accept the truth. It was necessary for Jesus to return to His Father on our behalf after dying on the cross.

Give God glory!