Proverbs 2:7; 2:1-5 (NRSV)
Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Believers must not despise wisdom; we must embrace it, otherwise our life won’t be meaningful. Believers must not despise instruction; we must embrace it too, or our living won’t be disciplined. We must have a reverential fear – a fear that honors and respects the Lord for this fear is the source of knowledge. It requires us to surrender our ways and submit to the ruling of God and obedience to His word. Those who refuse to honor God and His way reject wisdom and instruction and are fools.
How impressive it would be if every parent spoke passionately to their children as Solomon did his son, instilling in them the value of wisdom! We spend much of our time on earth seeking possessions, prestige, successful living, and riches. Most often these become our gods and the center of our focus. Wisdom is more valuable than riches because it centers our focus toward knowledge of the true and living God. Solomon teaches us of the benefits wisdom provides, but there are conditions we must meet to experience them.
In verses four through eight Solomon offers eight conditional – if…then commands (paraphrased) and verse five is the reward for meeting the conditions. He advises his son that if he accepts his words and hides his commandments within him (v.1); inclines, or listens intently to wisdom and inclining his heart, making every effort to understand it (v.2); if he indeed cries out for insight, or discernment, and raises his voice for understanding (v.3);if he seeks it like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasures (v.4) – then he will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God (v.5). Solomon encourages his son to seek wisdom in the same eager manner men used in mines in days of old to search for silver. Search for her as for hidden treasures that required excessive labor and digging. Your labor will not be in vain for when you find it, you find spiritual treasure; that is your reward. Wisdom is not unreachable or illusive. Seeking it requires loyalty and commitment. Even though it is of God, only those who earnestly seek for it as silver, and search intensely for it as for hidden treasures will find it. Then we will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.