Repost of first blog post: 11 September 2020
Genesis 12:1-3; Psalm 100:2-3
How often have you thought about your purpose of existence? Perhaps many times. God is purposeful in everything He does, whether or not you understand. He was purposeful when He created you in His image. Earthly parents naturally expect their children to be obedient and reflective of who they have trained them to be. We are children of God, so He expects us to obey Him and reflect on who He is.
Consider that God called Abraham and told him to leave his country and family and go to a land He would show him. He called Abraham and set him apart for His Divine will. Abraham (Abram) and his wife Sarah (Sarai) had no children, but God promised to make him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, and bless all families of the earth through him. God’s calling of Abraham was purposeful – testing his faith and obedience. Paul said that Abraham believed in God, and as a result, God counted it to him for righteousness. God has a purpose always; therefore, He should always get the glory. When last did you believe God and obey Him? Belief and obedience glorify Him.
Because He is your Creator and made you in His image, you are to serve Him with gladness and come before His presence with singing – to worship Him. Singing is an act of worship – in key or not. Lift your voice and let it rip. God is smiling because you are bold enough to give Him glory through singing.
Assuredly, He’s there all the time. Scripture says that He’ll never leave you nor forsake you. This day you may be feeling down and out. No matter how you feel, He knows what you are going through. So go ahead; acknowledge Him. Psalm 100:3, N.I.V. says, “Know that the Lord is Good.” Give Him glory!