
The Praise of the Righteous Honors the Lord

Psalm 33:1-3, NKJV

The Lord is worthy to be praised. The psalm writer’s targeted audience: O you righteous were immediately given the command to rejoice in the Lord. As the righteous, we owe Him the honor of our praise. The psalmist knew how beautiful praise from the upright was (v.1). He had been delivered from the hands of his enemies many times; therefore, he declared in Psalm 34:1 that continual praise will be in his mouth for the Lord. Yes, it is sweet for every believer to celebrate God and praise Him for His saving grace and whatever else He has done that we don’t deserve. No matter how many trials and tribulations we have, it is naturally fitting that we praise Him for bringing us through. 

The writer commanded the righteous to praise the Lord with the harp; make melody, literally, sing to Him with an instrument of ten strings (v.2). He went on to urge the righteous to sing a new song of praise to the Lord, play skillfully on the harp, and shout for joy (v.3). You may not sing like an angel or even carry a tune that’s pleasant to man’s ears; you may not play a musical instrument, but you can praise Him. Raise your voice and shout loudly for joy. Clap your hands and give Him glory for He is your Creator. 

What about you? Will you honor the Lord with your praise today?

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