
Christ’s Instruction in How His Disciples Ought to Pray

Luke 11:2-4, AMP Bible

In Luke 11:2-4 Christ instructs his disciples in how they ought to pray. He set forth the model for us to use. When we pray, we are to acknowledge God as “Father.” He is our Father and is worthy of that recognition. It shows the intimate relationship we have with Him, and that we trust Him to take care of us.  When we pray, we are having a worry-free talk with God because that’s how it is in an intimate relationship. Our petition is to be specific and with thanksgiving because we expect to get an answer. Jesus taught his disciples to also acknowledge that His name is hallowed. Hallowed means set apart, keep and treat as holy, revere. His name is holy because He is holy; there’s nothing unclean, immoral, or vile about Him. We are made in His image, and our prayers should reflect that we are His children and do honor His position and power in our lives.

Jesus went on to say when you pray, also say “Your kingdom come.” The Amplified Bible Version says that to pray “Your kingdom come” means making “a plea for God’s kingdom to be inaugurated on earth.” We are of the kingdom of God and He has a plan for us; therefore, our prayers are to reflect His purpose. Pray that God’s kingdom on earth will reflect His heavenly kingdom.

Pray that the Father will “Give us each day our daily bread” (v.3). “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1). Even though He knows our daily needs, it pleases Him when we come to Him, asking for what we need.  

He taught His disciples in verse 4 to humble themselves and ask for forgiveness daily. Do we expect our heavenly Father to forgive us of our daily sins? He will if we sincerely forgive others who have offended or wronged us. Christ taught us rely on the Father: “And lead us not into temptation but rescue us from evil.” Our Father does not tempt us; He allows us to be tested. If we obey Him, He leads us away from situations where we are vulnerable and have the opportunity to sin. What a loving and caring Father we have!

2 replies on “Christ’s Instruction in How His Disciples Ought to Pray”

Dear Father, Thank You for my forgiveness and the biblical truths shared in the Blog of Spiritual Diversity. I praise You for the indwelling Holy Spirit within Evangelist Breland. Continue to fill her with Your grace and wisdom. Also, keep her mind stayed on You, and her humble obedience to post Your divine revelations each week. Amen.

Ma, I am proud of you, and I love you to life, Dr. Hazel B., Your BP#2❣️🤣😅

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