
Jesus Finds No Refreshment in a Lukewarm Believer (3)

Revelation 3:19-20

After Jesus offered to sell the Laodiceans heavenly commodity that would develop their spiritual condition, He said, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous and repent” (19). Long before I knew the words “rebuke or chasten,” I now know that Momma rebuked and chastened my brothers and me. When we were disobedient, she would tell us she loved us, but you are going to get a whippin’. She always gave us loving words of encouragement, telling us not to do that again. She hoped the punishment would persuade us to correct our behavior. 

Isn’t that Jesus’ expectation for His children? He rebukes and chastens those whom He dearly loves; the Amplified Bible says He is “showing them their faults and instructing them.” He commanded the church of Ephesus to “remember from where they had fallen, repent, and do their first work to avoid quick judgment” (2:5). Remember, God’s desire is that no man should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9b). So, yes, His expectation here is that the church of Laodicea will change from their lukewarm condition, be zealous, and repent. 

Jesus told these Laodiceans, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (20). Church, do not let your lukewarm attitude cause you to not repent and ignore Jesus’s knock at the door. Stop pretending you are hard of hearing and let Him come in.

Give God glory!


Jesus Finds No Refreshment in a Lukewarm Believer (2)

Revelation 3:17-18

In John 13:34-35 Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment to love one another as He has loved them. Their love for one another is how all will know they are His disciples. Matthew 22:39 said believers shall love their neighbor as their self. When believers fail to love, they lose their zeal, grow weak, and stagnant in faith. They are lukewarm Christians and do not please God.

The Laodiceans say they are rich, increased with goods, and don’t need anything, and they do not know that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked (v.17). Therefore, Jesus advised them in v.18 to buy three things from Him that they could not buy with money. You see, with the Lord, money is not everything. Their spiritual condition was seriously deficient, and since they didn’t know it, He wanted them to realize the importance of spiritual riches rather than material riches. He offered them gold – gold tried in the fire, that they may be rich. He advised them to buy white raiment so that they may be covered, and the shame of their nakedness may not be revealed. Lastly Jesus offered them eye salve to anoint their eyes so that they could see (v.18). Jesus’ counsel to the Laodiceans and to us is to come to Him; only He has the cure for our lukewarm condition. 

Today, if you have become lukewarm, will you trust Jesus to heal your lukewarm condition and commit totally to the purpose He has for you?

Give Him glory!


Jesus Finds No Refreshment in a Lukewarm Believer 

Revelation 3:14-17

In the letter to Laodicea church, vv.15-16, Jesus said that He knew their works; they had become lukewarm – neither cold nor hot – in their service to Him. The Greek word for lukewarm means to vomit. According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, “lukewarm is used metaphorically here in verse 16, of the state of the Laodicean church, which afforded no refreshment to the Lord, such as is ministered naturally by either cold or hot water.” Lukewarm Christians do not please Him; they give Him no glory. Since they are not cold, they do not refresh those who are spiritually weary. They are not hot so they cannot provide healing for the spiritually sick. Therefore, Jesus greatly rejects their lukewarm -spiritually useless – state. It disgusts Him. It makes Him sick, and His prophetic word is that He will spue them out of His mouth. 

The Laodiceans were confused, as we often are today, about their status as Christians in this fallen world. In v.17a Jesus reminded them that they said they are rich, increased with goods, and have need of nothing. How arrogant an attitude for a Christian to have! We cannot allow earthly possessions to capture our affection. Colossians 3:2 says that we are to set our affection on things above. However, it’s not having the possessions. Matthew 6:21 says that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Jesus declared in v.17b in reference to 17a that the Laodicea church is rich, and they do not know that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked (v.17). 

Remember, a lukewarm Christian does not glorify God. 


The Praise of the Righteous Honors the Lord

Psalm 33:1-3, NKJV

The Lord is worthy to be praised. The psalm writer’s targeted audience: O you righteous were immediately given the command to rejoice in the Lord. As the righteous, we owe Him the honor of our praise. The psalmist knew how beautiful praise from the upright was (v.1). He had been delivered from the hands of his enemies many times; therefore, he declared in Psalm 34:1 that continual praise will be in his mouth for the Lord. Yes, it is sweet for every believer to celebrate God and praise Him for His saving grace and whatever else He has done that we don’t deserve. No matter how many trials and tribulations we have, it is naturally fitting that we praise Him for bringing us through. 

The writer commanded the righteous to praise the Lord with the harp; make melody, literally, sing to Him with an instrument of ten strings (v.2). He went on to urge the righteous to sing a new song of praise to the Lord, play skillfully on the harp, and shout for joy (v.3). You may not sing like an angel or even carry a tune that’s pleasant to man’s ears; you may not play a musical instrument, but you can praise Him. Raise your voice and shout loudly for joy. Clap your hands and give Him glory for He is your Creator. 

What about you? Will you honor the Lord with your praise today?